Holiday Attractions

Vacationing With Your Pet

When you are planning a vacation, it can be overwhelming. If you’re planning on taking your pets with you, it can get even more overwhelming. Traveling with your pet is possible, though it does take some extra planning. The extra planning can help make your vacation much more relaxing.

Traveling on an airline?

You’ll need to make some extensive preparations when you’re planning on flying. If you have a short-nosed breed of dog or cat, the airline may not allow you to fly. Most airlines also require a certificate of veterinary inspection. It is best to plan a non-stop flight if you possibly can. You may be required to provide your pet’s travel crate. If this is the case, make certain that the crate is plenty large enough for your pet to be comfortable. Make it easy to identify the crate by carefully labeling it.

Planning to travel in a car?

When you’re planning a long drive, it is important to prepare your pet. Get your pet used to being in the car by taking several short drives. Deactivate the airbag in the seat where you will secure your pet’s crate. If your dog will be traveling in the bed of a truck, make sure the crate is secured. Keep your pet’s feeding and bedtimes as close to normal as possible. Every two hours, stop and get out so your pet can stretch.

Staying in a hotel?

Research is important because not every hotel allows pets. More often than not, small, locally-owned hotels are more pet-friendly. While you can search for hotels online, make sure to call ahead to verify their policies. Try to bring along the pet’s favorite pillow or blanket – something to help them feel at home. Your pet should be given extra time to explore and feel at home.

Planning on camping?

Just a little bit of extra planning makes it easy to take your pet in the great outdoors. There are lots of dangers in the wild that your pet may not be used to – so help them be careful. Make sure your pets have protection from fleas, ticks, and heartworms. Just one interesting scent and your pet may run off – keep them in sight or on leash. Private and public campgrounds often have different policies, so be sure to check on them as well.

Traveling with your pets can be fun – and having your best furry friends with you when you’re exploring the world can be rewarding. Just make sure your trip is as relaxing as you had hoped by doing some pre-planning.