• Holiday Attractions

    Q&A-How many guests are usually invited to a “Destination Wedding?”?

    Question: How many guests are usually invited to a “Destination Wedding?”? My girlfriend and I were talking about weddings last night, and I told her that my idea for a perfect wedding would be a “destination” wedding somewhere in Spain, Italy, or Greece. My thought is that it would be more fun, and we would be able to share our wedding day with those who matter most to us, rather than with extended relatives, friends of our parents, etc. She liked the idea in theory, but she said that these weddings are usually very small – normally 20-25 guests total. She is the youngest of three kids, and her two…

  • Holiday Attractions

    Last Minute Travelers Indicate Trip Price More Important than Destination

    Seattle, WA (PRWEB) May 20, 2010 The current global economic climate has forced savvy travelers to bargain hunt instead of foregoing their yearly vacations. In a recent survey conducted by www.GoLastMinute.com, a leading last minute travel deals website, 49% of the respondents reported that low prices were more important than destination location. This shift in consumer behavior has resulted in more spontaneous trips, last minute deal hunting, and fewer long haul trips for most travelers. In addition, 63% of the survey respondents reported taking two or more last minute trips every year. Respondents reported that taking a vacation was the primary reason for booking last minute, with visiting…

  • Holiday Attractions

    What Is A Destination Wedding Favor?

    Have you heard of destination wedding favors? I haven’t either, so, I have taken it upon myself to pioneer this phrase. Destination weddings, destination wedding dresses, and now, “destination wedding favors”. I like it! So what is a destination wedding favor? Something affordable, something practical, something memorable, but something “packable”. Let’s face it…you will be travelling. The last thing you need to worry about is the safe keeping of your wedding favors. You need favors that are not perishable, breakable or bulky. Something that you can easily slip into your luggage knowing that it will “make the trip” safely. Candles and candy may melt, glass can break and larger items…

  • Holiday Attractions

    Learning to Cook in Thailand ? The perfect destination for a culinary vacation

    Thailand is the perfect getaway for a culinary vacation. Whether you aim to become a gastronomic Thai cook or want to engage in cooking as a leisure activity, this is the ideal country to visit. Full of intriguing cultural aspects, traditions, ancient beliefs, breathtaking beaches and eye catching attractions, Thailand is also a great destination to enjoy the art of cooking. There are several cooking schools spread through out the country where you can learn to cook delicious Thai cuisine. One of the renowned cooking schools in Thailand, the Chiang Mai Thai Cookery School in Chiang Mai has gained a favorable reputation not only within the country but also in…