• Holiday Attractions

    Space Travel Advisory: Nothing Ever Happens on Mars

    Before you go to Mars, step out onto your front lawn. Maybe the air smells like Valentine’s Day, maybe it smells like Honda Civics or pine cones or seagulls. Take it in. Jump in the air and feel the quick, soft thud of grass and dirt beneath your feet. Plunge your hands into the soil and look at the green blades alive between your fingers. If you don’t want to be a tree-hugging hippie about it, at least roll up the newest copy of Us Weekly and kill a mosquito, or throw a coconut at a passing fixed gear bicycle. Just take this planet in. None of this will likely…

  • Holiday Attractions

    The Best Belize Vacation Ever!

    After numerous reports from friends that have taken the plunge and hoped on a jet to visit the Central American country located in the heart of the Caribbean known as Belize I finally began my own research into this unique little country. I began by speaking to those friends I recalled mentioning how great of a time they had on their Belize vacations and began a list of recommended activities and tours they had enjoyed as well as top Belize travel packages. I then migrated my research onto the Internet to begin reading about Belize. I was stunned at the variety and shear volume of activities to participate in. I…