• Holiday Attractions

    Q&A-How many guests are usually invited to a “Destination Wedding?”?

    Question: How many guests are usually invited to a “Destination Wedding?”? My girlfriend and I were talking about weddings last night, and I told her that my idea for a perfect wedding would be a “destination” wedding somewhere in Spain, Italy, or Greece. My thought is that it would be more fun, and we would be able to share our wedding day with those who matter most to us, rather than with extended relatives, friends of our parents, etc. She liked the idea in theory, but she said that these weddings are usually very small – normally 20-25 guests total. She is the youngest of three kids, and her two…

  • Holiday Flights

    With Fuel Costs Soaring, Many Travelers Are Using Consolidator Flights

    Santa Rosa, California (PRWEB) March 24, 2008 BargainTravel.com, a leader in international consolidator flights, has noticed a major increase in bookings that they attribute to the recent spate of fuel surcharge increases by many of the major air carriers. Recently United Airlines, Continental Airlines and Northwest Airlines all raised their pricing due to increased fuel costs and other carriers are expected to follow their lead. Because oil has been selling at record levels, the air carriers must do something to offset the higher fuel pricing as absorbing them is not an option. “Many of the flights offered through our website provide major savings to the consumer as…